Skin care tips for Black Men.

The man of the 90s should be just as concerned about his appearance as his female counterpart. Gone are the days when it was considered macho for men to have rugged skin to match their personalities. Women aren’t impressed with bad complexions in men any more than men admire women with bad skin.

While today men overall are more aware of the importance of taking care of their bodies, far too many still neglect their skin.

A major skin problem affecting Black men who shave is that of ingrown hair which results when curly or kinky hair grows back into the skin. The problem most often affects the face and front crease of the neck, but can also occur on the back of the neck and the scalp. The skin may become infected with bacteria and, consequently, form bumps over the hair. The subsequent irritation causes the skin to darken, and when severe, permanent scarring may result. Continuing to shave aggravates the problem, for often the skin is broken and bleeding occurs.

Dermatologists and skin-care experts offer these tips to help Black men combat the problem of ingrown hair:

If you can, grow a beard and totally eliminate the problem. However, this is not a viable alternative for many men in the military or those who work in corporate America.

Some experts advise against shaving daily unless absolutely necessary. The more you shave, the greater the chance for hairs to grow into the skin.

* When shaving, don’t rush but take your time to avoid nicks and scars.

* By not shaving too closely you’ll lessen the chances of hair growing back into the skin.

* Some men find it helpful to lift hairs onto the surface of the skin with a sewing needle sterilized in alcohol.


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